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Con la tecnología de Blogger.
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013


eTwinning project

The project consists of a blog shared between two high schools: Gymnázium Olgy Havlové (Ostrava-Czech Republic) and IES Voltreganès (Sant Hipòlit de Voltrega-Catalonia). In it, students discover through the life and work of major european writers of the nineenth and twentieth century, the society and history of various european territories.

The blog will consist of three different purposes:
1. Enhancing language abilities (spanish and english).
2. Comparing lifestyles of differents countries.
3. Using our communliterary heritage to achieve linguistic, communicative and cultural purposes.

Moreover, what we will try  with this partnership is to cultivate the notion of european citizenship through literature.


11-22 february
Presentation of the course, the center, the class, the country and the customs
February 25  to March 8
Free presentation:  favourite book, hobbies, favourite movie, political or economical issues, etc.
March 11 to March al 22
Writers c.XVIII-XIX
April 8 to  April 19
Writers c.XIX
April 22 to May 3
Writers c. XIX-XX

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