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jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013
Many languages​​, one continent: Proyecto eTwinning:  

Geography and population:

The Voltreganès is located in Catalonia, Spain. It's situated in the region of Osona.
Its main villages are Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, Les Masies de Voltregà, and Santa Cecilia de Voltregà. Les Masies de Voltregà is made up of smaller villages such as La Gleva, Vinyoles, el Despujol and the Conanglell housing state. The total population is about 6860 in habitants.

The Voltreganès is crossed by the Ter river and the Sorreig stream. The landscape is characterized by fields, small mountains, rural houses in the surroundings and a rich flora and fauna. There are a lot of birds, both in the mountain and the river, rabbits, wild boars, foxes, etc. The most emblematic places are El Morral, La font de la Sala, El Gorg Negre and the romantic church of Vinyoles.

Silvia, Brigitte, Eva, Senmartí i Elisabeth


The education

In the Voltreganès, there are two kindergartens: one is in Masies de Voltregà and the other is in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà. The one in Masies is state center and the kindergarten in Sant Hipòlit is religious.

If you want to go to a primary school in the Voltreganès, you can choose between three state centers or a religious center.

When you finish primary school you can go to the Voltreganès high school, in Masies de Voltregà. This year the high school has mode 10 years, and also, some months ago, a new religious high school opened.

We are doing first of batxillerat in IES Voltreganès. We all did the secondary in this centre, and we haven't lost because we love it. Teachers are great and the director always looks after us. They went that we feel comfortable while we are studying, and that's why we consider this centre the best of osona.

Chahira Aarab, Ariadna Rusiñol, Martí Serra, Adrià Febrer, Mònica Franquesa


Economy, Tourism and business in Voltreganès

In “Voltreganès” we have different shops, public sites (library, teenager’s information point, for example) and other. But our economy is based on gastronomy; we have excellent products, excellent ham and magnify sausage, is our excellent product.

Our products are 100% from our lands; in “Voltreganès” we breed the animals that produce our products. This is the reason of her magnify flavour.

In “Voltreganès” where are a lot of little business, this is very important for the economy, that makes jobs for the people of “Voltreganès”

 We have a lot of tourism, different routes cross “Voltreganès”, one example is, the rout of Rome.

In “Vinyoles” we have a little church, called Church of Jacint Verdaguer, one of the better and famous writer of Catalonia.

 In our council, exist a special department; the finality of this department is help the poor families, and people without work.

 Voltreganès” is a village with a big heart.

Marc Franquesa, Andreu Palou, Marc Arrabal, Joan Baucells, Pol Ruiz.


Leisure activities and sports at Voltreganès

In the Voltreganès we have several leisure activities and some sports with which we can have fun and spend time. But, also we have some leisure activities for elderly people.

For young people we have a young point, where we stay my friends and I all afternoons. In the Voltreganès area we have one centre for elderly people, which is very beautiful. We also have a lot of petanque fields.

We also have a theatre, it’s small but is very nice. In our theatre, there aren’t too many plays. Also, we have a music school for people who like playing the piano, guitar, battery, flute...

In Voltreganès we have 4 teams of football. They are: C.F Voltregà, F.B Voltreganès, C.F Vinyoles and C.F La Gleva. These teams play in Sant Hipòlit, les Masies and Vinyoles. We have a roller hockey rink, this village is famous for players and the team of hockey, C.P. Voltregà won some European Cups, especially the women's team. When the best club team plays, there are a lot of people in the stands.

In this village, we have a tennis club and paddle rinks, they are fabulous and often there are a lot of players, but players aren't very good. We also have a little team of basketball and this team play in roller hockey rink. Also there is a cycling club, but it isn't very popular. We have a large covered swimming pool and a new skate park, but it isn't big.

In two kilometres from here we have a paintball centre, in Santa Cecília de Voltregà. Do you know what is it? Paintball is a game which players must shoot with paintballs, we play it in teams, when someone hits you with a paintball it can be painful, and then you are eliminated.

Magí Toneu, Nil Font, David Arnedo i David Gallach





Culture of Sant Hipòlit

We are a group of high school students from the High School IES del Voltreganès, in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà. Here is a summary of the culture of our village.
Culture isn't very considerable because this is a very small town with few inhabitants, which makes difficult to have artists because most of them live in cities.
However, we have a some painters, musicians, photographers, writers, etc.


Joan Jutglar was born in la Gleva, Masies de Voltregà, in 1953. He devoted all his life to paint. He painted his first picture in 1960 and some years later, he won his first competition prize for painting. For two years he exhibited one of his works in different galleries. He collaborated in different architectural projects with the designer Paco Marzo. Three years ago he created the sculpture MESIEDAM. He is also a member of different associations, as the Association of Cultural Craftsmanship of Madrid, the Association of Plastic Artists of Burgos...


Jacint Verdaguer was born in Folgueroles in 1845 and died in Vallvidrera in 1902.
He was one of the greatest poets in Catalan language and a great representative of the Renaissance. He also won some prizes in the Jocs Florals of Barcelona.
In 1893 he went to the sanctuary of la Gleva, next to Sant Hipòlit, where he stayed for two years. His most important works are El Canigó, L’Atlàntida, etc. He is the most important writer who has visited our village in many years.


Gabriel Salvans was born in 1955. He is a Catalan photographer of Sant Hipolit de Voltregà. His photography is known for finding original views and for always seeking the human environment. His father was the one who introduced him to the world of photography. He won some prizes during his career such as: Ciutat de Barcelona prize, Nacional d’Arts plàstiques prize, etc.

Music Bands

Al Fondo a la Derecha is a rock and punk music group that was formed in 2007 in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà. It’s composed by a singer, a drummer, a guitarist and a bassist. They are used to playing on holidays and at small concerts, but they are very well-known and listened by the people of the village.


In our country there are two traditional dances:

One of them is Sardana, a type of circle dance typical of Catalonia. The dance circle can be opened to a highly variable number of dancers. It’s danced in the streets and squares of the town or a city. The dancers, called “sardanistes”, are alternate men and women, and care must be taken by those joining not to split partners. Many sardanes have sung versions, but mostly instrumental versions are used for dancing. Sardanes are often written for special occasions or to commemorate people. All the population can dance that kind of dance, since sardana doesn’t require special fitness.

Town festival

Festa Major: it’s a festival which is celebrated on the first days of September. It’s one of the most popular events in the town. There are different activities for all the ages, and one of the most important is the rock concert where a lot of popular bands play like “Flying Frogs”.

Carnival: It’s the most popular festival of the town in winter. People wear costumes and there are floats that go around the town. Finally, we celebrate award ceremony in La Pista and the best floats and costumes receive a certificate . After that, a big party is celebrated in la Pergola for young people.

In all the country, we celebrate other festivals which are famous among the of people living in the area for example: Caramelles, Caga Tió and Reis Mags (which is the same as Santa Claus here).

Oriol Molas, Alba Portet, Judit Sánchez, Jordi Burgaya i Núria Bagaria


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